

I made all the right mistakes….



So the weekend was great.
Got lots of rest.
Got some of my “love” friends over and I had high anxiety over that. Whenever I was left in the room with the girl, I wanted to started a conversation but I couldn’t so I would just grab my phone and start messing with it. I know..I suck.
Will never make friends being like that.
Other than anxiety was fine..no stress, no nothing.
On sunday I was a little overwelmed by the news that my “love” dad had a broken toe and I did not wanted to leave the bed, but he forced me to..and I’m glad he did. I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for him.
Love him so much, he is the best thing that ever happened in my life.

P.s: He still don’t know about my blog. I’m hoping to be able to keep this as a secret, not that I don’t trust him, but because I leave my raw feelings here and I just don’t want him to be more worried than he already is. I’m so tired of being such a trouble in his life.

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